

Please note that the registration process may take a few moments. All you need for registration is a credit card.
Your affiliation will be verified after you have completed your registration. Depending on the situation, we may directly or indirectly request documentation to verify your affiliation.

Please provide your professional email.
Please select your affiliation, noting that any association with a company should be mentioned first.
Please provide your company name.
Please select your country.
Please provide your first name.
Please provide your last name.
Please select your membership affiliation only if you are not affiliated with any company. Your affiliation status will be verified.
You must agree before submitting.




Location: Institut Pasteur, Paris

Choose physical attendance
  • Access to all scientific sessions and workshops: Engage in comprehensive learning and discussion.
  • Coffee breaks and networking opportunities: Connect with peers and experts in your field.
  • Exclusive poster sessions: Participate in in-depth scientific exchange and discussions in specially designed physical spaces.
  • Lunch Workshops included: Benefit from an immersive learning experience with focused workshops.



Format: Online

Choose virtual attendance
  • Live streaming of all scientific sessions: Excludes Lunch Workshops but ensures you don't miss the main events.
  • Real-time participation in discussions: Utilize virtual question capabilities to engage in the sessions.